The Life of Sutton
The Life of Sutton is a coming-of-age story based on a trip in 2004. It captures a pre-social media world where privilege wasn't posted online, the possibilities for real escapism were endless, and self-discovery a matter of private discourse.
Inspired by the shock departure of his fiancée, Charlie Sutton leaves his stately life in Australia. He puts his charmed life at risk to save a friend.
While travelling from country-to-country reality sets into his elite social existence.
On his search for purpose, Charlie reconciles his flaws, questions his outlook and discovers value in the meaningful over the material.
Inspired by classics where the privileged life of characters is contrasted by their own personal challenges, The Life of Sutton is a universal story of getting through a breakup, risking one's life to help a friend, romantic encounters and nostalgia.
It's an eight-week window into a man's life.